Project Owner

Add your Projects and make them viewable to get professional Service Provider Help.

For smaller projects such as single trades like painting, plumbing, air conditioning, etc. , home improvement, or maintenance projects simply add your Basic information, discerption of your project, an image or two of the work location, and select your terms. Then Make Your Project Viewable. You free Project Posting will expire in 30 calendar days, but to continue the posting simply Make it Viewable again for free.

For larger projects such as Remodels and New Construction Projects you can add our easy fill RFP to your Posting. RFP’s include the following options:

1. Send to a selected group of Bidders
2. Send with Quick Bid Option so that bidders simply respond using a prefilled bid form. This option allows you to Compare bids when received.
3. Send with Agreement Option that when selected the Agreement autofill's with the accepted bid terms that can be signed virtually. Or you can upload you own form of Agreement.

TIP! Create your Project Owner Profile and Make Viewable. I will be attached to each project you post.

Who benefits and why?

Service Providers can easily and instantly see a brief overview of your contact information and desired hiring terms.

Add or update your Project Owner Profile Now

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